Stephen’s Gawking
That little joystick always leads him down the same alleyways…
Tube Pervert
Do you quiver with desire when those semi-clad pretty young things on their way to a hard day of painting their nails and texting their friends from their desks hop aboard the tube?
Are you stumped at ways in which you can get a bit of eye-candy without being ousted as a tube pervert?
You need to buy the award winning self-help book 'Tube Pervert' now!
Tube Pervert will help you catch a glance when other pervs are limited to having a lonely touch through their pockets. It will tell you what are the best vantage points, the most secretive stances and the cleverest distractions to make sure that, however many stops you are on for, you get a right eyeful.
Praise for Tube Pervert:
"Before Tube Pervert, I was limited to getting my jollies by bringing on a copy of Nuts or Zoo, but now I can get a real glimpse of some twenty-something arse all the way from Piccadilly to Cockfosters!"
Mr A, Barnet
"Last week I got to gawp at a young ladies' red thong right through rush hour! She knew nothing!"
T, Lambeth
"You would be amazed at how many old ladies wear stockings! I know, because I read Tube Pervert!"
Barry S, Wembley
"Ah used to get chased by gangs ah Dads, but not anymore - Thank you, Tube Perverts"
Gary, Ealing
"Rush hour is the closest I've come to having full vaginal intercourse"
Bernard T, Wycombe
Dusty Night Terror
“My name is Mr Cherrick,
From Ryman, Hucklwitz & D’Troth,
We represent the interests of a Giant Moth”
“Shh you, why all that din?”
“I said two, but you put all your fingers in”
Caption Competition
Welcome to Introversial. Again.
We are all going to die
Set your coffee down gently. Okay, I have some terrible news for you. Terrible, horrible news. We are in the midst of a pandemic in this City, one which will pretty much bring society to its fat bloated knees. In a bitter twist of irony, it’s the tiniest being on Earth that is the most powerful.
SWINE FLU. N1H1 motherf*cker.
It’s here, in London town, ready to finish off what the Black Death and the Nazis started.
It wouldn’t be scary if it was just flu oh no. And it isn’t scary if the virus just has a code (SARS? Please, that only killed the Chinese.) We had Bird Flu, but that just screwed up Bernard Matthews. No, this monster needed a name that envisages terror. The pig, the animal people most want as a pet but don’t have, is now the source of the world’s most deadly virus.
This is how it starts, the old apocalypse, a gentle stream of news reports providing the hacking, snot-filled background music to your everyday life. You’re not really listening that hard to the Swine Flu warnings as you’re more concerned with buying a load of coloured jeans from Uniqlo and going up to Shoreditch to eat a soft cheese sourced from Peru. Then it turns out you have an acquaintance that’s caught it, but that doesn’t really phase you as whenever you met this kid he always had an off yellow tint, he was never one of Gaia’s foot soldiers.
So, you buy a magnum and forget about it and oh look, Peaches Geldof went a disco last night. Thanks, London Lite. All the while micro terrorists are zipping through the tube lines and handrails, declaring a tiny Jihad on your immune system.
The Government are setting up committees and hotlines and getting a lot of grief for not giving clear guidelines for pregnant women. This debate doesn’t seem to have much to it – pregnant women should avoid public transport at peak times and crowded areas. Hardly rocket science is it? Not getting on the tube while duffed up should be good advice anyway. There’s no place for a bump at rush hour - I’ve seen someone pour a frappe in a Louis Vuitton handbag and that’s worth much more than a baby*. It’s difficult down there at the best of times, especially without the threat of a highly contagious disease breeding in amongst the squalor of London.
If this is the end of civilised London society then it won’t be all bad. I’ve long since held the notion that I would thrive in a post apocalyptic landscape, living in Big Ben, living off tinned peas and firing buckshot at mutants. I’d marry the one of the only beautiful girls left in the world, then chuck her when a slightly prettier one comes along (don’t judge me, it’s Darwinian).
So this is it. Some reports suggest 100,000 people will die, some say slightly less people will die of Swine Flu than regular flu. But who cares? This is it, the end of days. Go and tell that girl in accounts you want to do horrible things to her in the break room, steal something from Boots, tell your Mum you hate her, rob Topshop, do anything – because tomorrow you might have quite bad flu.
*We’ve looked into it.
Fizzy Milk
The wheel reinvented, Jurassic Park set loose. That's right, Fizzy Milk. Coca Cola is set to launch Vio, a carbonated milk.
Coca Cola "scientists"* have developed the drink at the firm¹s laboratories in Atlanta, Georgia. The only thing it will curdle in its 8oz aluminium bottle is the boundaries of your mind.
The Times says one of Coke’s copywriters claims it tastes “like a birthday party for a polar bear”. I would have thought that tasted more like butchered seal and ozone, but anyway. Perhaps a better tagline would be “like a birthday party for a polar bear who’s mind has comprehended it’s approaching extinction with acute lucidity”.
It comes in four “natural” flavours: peach mango, berry, citrus and tropical colada (straight from the Colada tree). It has 26g of sugar a bottle, and 1.5g of fat.
This is it. Seriously, It¹s the End of Days.
Some of you readers will be already reaching for your gas masks and baseball bats, ready for the impending maelstrom of discontent. And good on you - science has finally destroyed nature.
Someone takes a sip they think: “Huh, Fizzy Milk? not bad”. Then, a week later you¹re having a coffee, avec fizzy milk, when some axe wielding lunatic comes smashing through the window of a Café Nero screaming GOT MEEELLLLLK?’
Milkmen will be pushed from their cabs as the hoards upend his cart, dancing naked on its ruined, milk-stained corpse. Cows will be set alight, punched to death and garrotted as the fields are stained with red.
People will come to fear the moustache, a sign of the fizzles, a madness induced by the realisation that everything is nothing, up is down, milk is fizzy.
Someone has a lovely bottle of fizzy milk. Then they start thinking “Wait a sec, why can’t I ride my bike into the sea?”. The financial markets fall, everyone sinks into depravity and primitive stupor. Statues of the Virgin Mary in the Vatican begin weeping fizzy milk. Soon you'll be having sex with your pets while your Mum, caked in her own defecation, watches while drinking a fizzy latte.
Everyone starts chanting, “Fizzy Milk Fizzy Milk Fizzy Milk Fizzy Milk” in anticipation of the arrival of a giant moth to take everyone away. It never comes.
I can¹t tell you how dark this is.
*Not really scientists. Men and women who try and cure cancer are scientists; people who put the rover on Mars are scientists. People who fanny around with sugary liquid aren't scientists. Their "lab" will look like Professor Burp's Bubble Works and they will all wear over-sized top hats.
Credit Crunch Tales - Terrance of the tree house
Terrance lived in the tree house for several reasons: solitude, the escape from modernity – but mainly it was because of tax and a hefty credit card bill.
Terrance had certainly lived the high life. He was only an assistant at a local B&Q (a bad one at that), but that didn’t stop him living like a millionaire. His house had all the mod cons – SkyPlus, HD TV and a six-slice toaster. Women would be showered with gifts, friends would receive expensive birthday presents – but the dream had to come to an end one day.
The credit crunch came and Terrance fell off the debt merry-go-round. After narrowly escaping a bailiff, Terrance retreated to the local forest. He spent a few nights sleeping rough, but soon realised if he was to carry on his Robin Hood lifestyle he would have to find a new home. He found an old oak tree and planted his flag.
Running away from his troubles, Terrance became a tree person.
Terrance’s idea of problem solving was escaping to the woods. He had done this when he failed his GCSEs, when his Dad left and when his football team had been relegated. He even ran away for a week when his Mum told him he couldn’t have a second slice of gateaux. But this was the first time Terrance had decided to become full-time feral as a means of solving his problems.
His days at B&Q were not wasted – stealing supplies from the warehouse, for which he still had keys Terrance went about building a tree home. He built a fairytale home where he could run away from his debt problems and live tax-free. But it is a lot harder to build a liveable home inside a rotting tree than Terrance thought. In the end, after several attempts to make it like an ‘arbour-Ikea’ Terrance settled with a mouldy shit hole with windows.
He tried to make pets of the squirrels that shared his domicile. They didn’t acquiesce – they bit him, stole his cereals and pissed all over his toaster. Since then squirrel and the man have led a cold war of attrition in that old tree - Terrance ate one of their babies in the spring, so the squirrels gave him rabies by September.
Terrance can’t go back to the modern world now. He has sunk too far into the wood - he is a Wildman or Sasquatch, a myth that financial advisers tell their indebted clients. And he still owes Barclays around £7,000.
Maybe if you wander down to the woods one-day, you will see Terrance in his little home. He hasn’t had a job for a while, and can’t bring girls back to his tree home, so he spends most of his days unkempt, searching the wood for discarded porn.
Political Satire
Gordon Brown’s had a tough few weeks, there’s no denying that. Apparently the odds aren’t that great that he’ll be the Prime Minister by the weekend. He’s even taken to giving press conferences without a belt or shoe laces, looking forlornly out of the window trying to catch site of Albion.
Is it too late for him to claw back his leadership when he’s facing attacks internally and externally? It’s definitely touch and go and we all know that no amount of Alan Sugar will make the situation any sweeter. People don’t want to hear about the Prime Minister’s concern for the singing potato, Susan Boyle either – tell us more about the chap who claimed for a moat.
Here are three tips to Gordon Brown if he wants to last the night out:
1. Master the smile. He never seems to have grasped the concept of the smile I know he grew up in Scotland but this is ridiculous. It wasn’t made apparent until he was stood next to Barack ‘the zillion watt smile’ Obama at the G20 summit. If he want’s people to like him simply try and smile without looking like you’re trying to relearn it after an accident.
2. Stop talking about celebrities. As already mentioned, appointing Alan Sugar is a gross error. His appointment as business czar isn’t necessarily the way to go about it (I’m fairly sure a large proportion of the county must watch The Apprentice and think he’s a cunt). Also, 'the people' aren’t that endeared to Susan Boyle, we like watching her yes, but in the same way we’d be fascinated by the discovery of a hairless calf with one eye screaming “kill me”.
3. The easiest quick fix solution, it’s been staring at him in the mirror all along, like a sad looking marble. Simply pop out the eye and wear a patch and for added affect wear some dark velvet gloves. No one will fuck with the Neo Pimpernel.
Politics, Performed in style of John Hegley
As in Eva Braun, Hitler’s Bird
Small with blond hair
I bet she wore real fur
A tenuous link to Margret Thatcher*
Apparently she wasn’t that good at her job, Sir**
*Pronounced ‘Fat-Churgh’ to tie in with the above line.
** I was born in ’84; I’ve heard she stole milk and something about the Falklands, can’t say I’m that clued up. It’s embarrassing really.
Pie Rate
I tried to stay cool
But we both knew I’d noticed he only had one eye
‘I like my women like I like my coffee…’
I like my women like I like my coffee…
Ideally not fully of semen.
White and cold to the touch…
Slow roasted.
Immediately after a game of rummy.
Thrown against a wall.
Yeah, I think there’s a reason this sort of joke has died out a bit. Either that or I’m just a massive bigot.
I did a politics degree...
I doubt they’d ever repent,
They seem positively hell bent,
On letting our economy ferment,
Like some hideous yeast,
With him I would totally commit to a week long cruise
Although, our friendship was tested when I dreamt he had boobs
The Electric Ballroom
“Yeah man, what’s the skinny?”
“Fancy heading down to the Electric Ballroom in Camden?”
“Not really”
Red Nose Day
CHICKEN AND RIB TIME! Kebab and Burger Centre
Heroin Chic
That said, undeniably there are some curious looking folk within zones one to six. Public transport seems to bring out the best of them, especially the Number 29 from Wood Green. It’s a bendy bus, so you know people aren’t paying to get on.
Here are some of my favourite spots, so far:
· Future Lady: I saw her today on the way to the tube. She was dressed like someone who had travelled back in time to prevent a nuclear holocaust and was desperately trying to replicate the fashions of the time, to minimise any anachronistic slips. Giant head phones.
· Bad Mum: reading a copy of ‘What Every Parent Needs To Know’, using a map to the Child Appeals court as a book mark and drinking a can of extra-strength lager. Good luck with that one, Chief.
· Japanese uber-tasche:A tiny little Japanese fellow who was immaculately dressed, with possibly the best moustache I have ever seen. It was grey, and curled up at the sides. Me and Lee followed him down Bond Street for longer than was cool, trying to think of elaborate ways to outflank him and photograph his facial horns. He must get that every single day.
· Shoeless: He just didn't haven't shoes on, on the steps of Nelson's Column. He looked, well sad.
The Gods of Fate
Have things got bad? Have I had to seriously consider what a penis might feel like against my gums while fingering a filthy £20 note? Well yes, they have.
Why is it that when you’re in the straights you feel more desperate? Is it the loneliness? The claustrophobia? The unexplainable horniness?
I delay it; not straight away, you see. I like to divide up the fictional money in my head, imagining how the £100,000 would be spent: How many hookers are too many? Are you alright not giving to your div cousin? Do people still have a problem if you wear mink?
After finally imagining travelling India and living a life of intellectual pursuit, there’s scratching to be done. Using a pound coin is a no-no, for two reasons:
I don’t want to anger the Goddess of Luck by being brazen with my wealth.
I don’t have one (sob).
Best go with a 50p, not too flashy but not embarrassing like a 2p.
“Do you want a can?”
This guy on my bus last week was a full blown nutter. I’m not a fan of that word; never the less, this big mad-fox-eyed Shaun Ryder look-a-like managed to plunge the number 29 to Trafalgar Square into a state of panic. He was a real life nutter.
Everyone had a strained look of “I’m really trying to pretend this isn’t happening, although I am acutely aware that this might end in me getting kicked to death” as he paced down the bendy bus. It was happening though, but luckily it didn’t end up in an old lady getting a kicking.
Anyway, aside from randomly shouting at people, calling them “trannies” and declaring “Yeah, I was raised by Yardies, bruv” this chap was having in-depth conversations with himself along the following lines:
“Do you want a can mate?”
“Yeah, I do, can I have one of yours?”
“Yeah mate, no problems bruv”
This is the sort of teeth gritting tension you don’t get on the tube, only the bus attracts this level of terror-inducing psychopath. He managed to shut off an entire section of the bus and keep everyone firmly away from his vicinity. And all it took was an external/internal monologue, some wild golf ball style eyes and a lifetime of substance abuse.
“Work for Bread”
I got really depressed the other day at work and walked all the way to the BT tower, for a bit of fresh air. It was a nice walk, serene even.
Work seems to have become an actual ‘toil’ recently, a word that conjures up images of Russian peasant women, covered in dirt and ploughing away in barren fields grafting for a loaf. Okay, it might not be exactly like that, but it’s been a bit much recently. Long hours and bigger work loads have led to staff morale dropping through the floor. Not that it was ever massively high anyway but I distinctly remember that there was a period where people weren’t randomly bursting into tears in the kitchen and weren’t being as short with each other:
“Let me hold that door for you”
“Yeah, you will wanker”
Its all fun and games though isn’t it, what other options are there around? Not much, although I have toyed with the idea of making extra money on the side by dressing as the late husbands of wealthy widows. It won’t be hard work I imagine, dressing in old suits, going for walks along the pier and listening to the wireless with them at Bridge club. And even if they did want to rekindle a certain carnal fire…I’d still probably prefer it to coding invoices.
21st century disorder
Lady Greenfield, professor of synaptic pharmacology at Lincoln college, Oxford, and director of the Royal Institution, is warning that social networking runs the risk of making people: "devoid of cohesive narrative and long-term significance."
God, the future sounds grim. I mean it's quite like this already; there are people in my office who have all these traits, plus a really loud voice.
Philip works in London, he loves London.
Yoghurt on a packed tube train
Yes, dear blog fan, yoghurt on a packed tube train. Just imagine it.
“I love you so much I want to put you in a little box under the stairs”
Yes, Valentines Day! Nothing quite says ‘Jesus, I didn’t think I’d still be looking at your tired old face’, like being herded into a restaurant and staring at other, more successful examples of functioning relationships. Then again, it can be an exciting time for new love, getting to know the girl you met during that mad confidence trip you had (which oddly coincided with the burning nostril you had the following day):
“Do you want some olives?”
“No, I don’t like them”
Electrifying stuff. This year Valentines Day unfortunately landed on a weekend, meaning that people sort of have to be out any way. This led to a lot of blank stares and a lot of couples realising they would have had more fun at home watching blue collar saturday night TV without the cheap flowers, bad poetry and fizzy wine. Because let's face it, if you are in a couple, Valentine's is shit.
“Let’s stone the fat one to death”
I’ve never really seen it before; I think I caught some of the first series years ago. Like all reality TV though, it’s been warped into some grotesque spectacle making the original incarnation look like a Victorian ankle showing in comparison. I remember watching a chap having to drown a chicken in the beautiful ocean; he didn’t resign as a recruitment consultant in Swindon for that. Still, I remember the look in his eye immediately after he did it. It was a fascinating mix of wild eyed masculine emancipation and loss of an innocence he didn’t know he had.
The producers of the show clearly felt the same semi-sexual voyeuristic thrill I felt and decided to take the show in that general direction. The new series therefore takes a finely profiled collection of narcissistic clothes horses and puts them on a beautiful apparently empty (aside from all those wires and production team members) desert island. They then fanny about doing things that they look like they’d struggle with anyway, like washing and feeding themselves which they all seem to have done for them in the real world.
Thus far we’ve been introduced to a selection of interesting folk, none of which you’d trust with anything important, you probably wouldn’t risk putting them in charge of a tin of beans. We’ve had a chap who described himself as being without sexuality, like some sort of giant, Liverpudlian flower. Although, when he says he has no sexuality he really means he’s gay, the panic that flashed across his eyes when he was asked the question was magic. Also, this one’s borderline brain dead, if it wasn’t for his hyper emotional reactions to fairly mundane, obvious things (“Oh my…GOD”) like new people visiting the island then you’d be forgiven for thinking you were watching a pickled foetus in the bowels of the Natural History Museum. Also, on hyper emotional reactions, selecting a leader isn’t the most devastating, emotionally complex and demanding issue, it’s easy, pick the one who has laces that they tied themselves. I’d love to expose this tribe to some real emotion. See how they cope when they find out that a serial killer has battered their family to death (“No...WAYYYYYYYY, wait a minute, I’ve got a text”).
There also seems to be a few posh people on, having not seen it much, I’m not sure if this is a theme. Lot’s of big house, polo playing arseholes who pronounce ‘really’ as ‘ra-AGH-herrrrrr-lay’ and it takes them literally about a week to knock a sentence out. They all see themselves instantly as the leader of the dirty proles. The thing is that they are equally clueless, but in a different, more aggressive way. Y’know, the sort of tone that got centuries of colonial expansion done, and managed to pay off the family of that girl who cried “rape” at Joshua’s polo party.
Anyway, it lit a flame in my chest watching this show and Introversial will be following the heartache, bitching, and incessant conversations about nothing over the next few weeks. I’m hoping that this group of people will be the ones who break reality television. We all know its coming, one day something will horribly wrong and television will have to rely on proper television shows again. Hopefully, this series will end with Mark (big hair, androgynous and a body like a toddler) running wild eyed into the ocean to embrace an icy death after having raped and killed Sonny (literally nothing behind the eyes, could potentially have shredded wheat for a brain).
"Shall we put the blog on Twitter?"
From the wilderness
I’ve been a bit quiet of late, not entirely sure why. It’s resulted in me being an emotionless drone for the past week or so. A bit like Data from ‘Star Trek’, he knows that emotions exist but can only try to emulate them. Like how he has the cat, he’s only stroking it to but could just as easily crush its skull. Yeah, a bit like that.
A few things have got me recently, brought me round like smelling salts. First off, don’t wear sunglasses on your head at this time of year. I know that solar rays may be present even when it’s cloudy but c’mon, not after Monday’s Ice age.
Second, I just ate two of those Jelly Beans. The brand that are pretty amazing and actually taste like the flavours they’re meant to. They have a little recipe book in the inlay where you mix them to make things like ‘toffee apple’ and ‘fruit punch’. Anyway, whichever ones I blindly put in my mouth, they came together to taste exactly like shit.
Finally, Valentines Day is just around the corner. No doubt my schedule will be as free as a bird that night. I’ve told a friend at work to buy me a card and pretend she didn’t. I also suggested that me and my housemates all stay in, shave our faces and turn the lights off.
down with the sickness
I have some sort of hideous, disgusting disease this week, and I have been advised to blog about it.
It's very cold rain, for fuck's sake
Where's the Gap?
“None of us have. Get indoors, somewhere dry and warm. You can’t feel your feet because you live in London and therefore you’re wearing delicate little plimsolls. Save who you can but if anyone falls…let the blanket of death envelope them”
That’s how today started, with a suspension of tubes, buses and sanity. Bill Turnbull had a mad look in his eye this morning, giggling away. I don’t think he had any trouble getting into work; he sleeps under Moira Stewart’s desks.
I toyed with the idea of not going into work, staying at home with a load of tinned stuff to outlast the winter. However, being a five minute walk from Finsbury Park oddly meant that it was far easier to get to Euston than normally. Also, if I’m being really honest, it turns out I’m naturally gifted in the snow. Like a beautiful snow leopard, you should have seen me bound.
The rest of London seemed mixed up in a flurry of excitement, panic and wonderment. Loads of people were taking pictures, making snowmen, drinking hot chocolate and laughing. I just ate an old skittle from down the back of the settee; “credit crunch”.
Introversial Loves Paul Burrell
The first in our 'Introversial Heroes' series, documenting our favourite human beings on this earth, is Paul Burrell.
For those who are not in the know, Paul was Princess Diana's butler. When she was alive he did really important things like iron her bra, make her some mint tea and pick up after her budgie*. Paul, like all of us, really really loved Diana. But unlike all of us, he stole loads of boxes of her stuff and kept them in a cupboard for years. And wore her underwear.
He made a name for himself, after Diana was murdered*, by going on TV and talking about Diana. This developed into Burrell going on TV and talking about folding napkins and eating bananas with a knife and fork. He wrote about 22 books, all about Diana, and he also had a flower shop, with loads of pictures of Diana on the wall. Oh yeah, he also says he's not gay. While in his flower shop, with loads of pictures of Diana on the wall. And while loads of gay blokes keep telling the papers they shagged him, with documentary evidence of the fact.
So Paul has begun to tell the world he knows something. We don't know what he knows, and he said he will never say what he knows. He is getting back on TV because he keeps telling people he knows something, but he won't tell what. Genius.
The thing is, Paul doesn't know shit. Paul was a big fairy who was good at shining silverware and picking up corgi poo. He realised he had shot his load soon after Diana's suicide* so he had to keep making stuff up. And he really, really loves being on TV.
Introversial loves Paul because he really believes he knows a secret, a secret that could rock the very foundations of this sceptered isle. He just hasn't thought what it is yet. But while he thinks of something he is going to hold onto Diana's stuff for a bit longer, for safe-keeping.
*These facts may or may not be true.
Look at it, Richard!
Thirteen fucking pounds
Thirteen fucking pounds.
A few things...
Tom's Pic
Have look at the above picture, drawn by Tom Kollmann. We attended the same Cartoonin' class at the back end of this year. I love this picture, it's so grimy, full of movement and feels of a time & a place. The plan is to get it printed onto a t-shirt at some point but at the minute I don't have enough money to buy basic food stuffs. Although I do have £7 sat in scratchcards. Recession proof!
The Fifth
Tuesday the 20th of January 2009,
A historic day, I mean...just wow. That's right, Battlestar Galactica finally made it's way back onto our screens. I never thought I'd see the day, hadn't even let myself dream about it. 'Hope', such a soft fragile world, often feeling like a small plant growing from dead, nuclear soil. Even the slightest breeze could take it away. On Tuesday it felt like something in the universe went right for once... I got to look at Adalma's grizzled face again.
It was an amazing hour of television but my God, it was bleak. Bleak like the husk that is Earth or wherever it is. If people weren't killing themselves they were trying to, looking a bit miserable. It was powerful though, stark and real (well, as real as space ships and robots can be). I think watching it might have actually stung a bit at one point. The use of 'Frak' has never been more blatant either. I'm sure in series one it was used far less frequently and the meaning was less obvious. Series 4 isn't 'fraking' about with lines like "She was fraking everyone in the fleet". It just means fuck and there's no two ways about it. I'm also fairly sure there was a reference to the urethra in this weeks episode.
There is one problem though which detracted from the feeling of sheer unbridled awe, Iggy Pop. Weird, gnarled skin bag Iggy. His lust for life style persona used rather nonsensically to try and sell me car insurance. The guy looks as if he's never worn a t-shirt, let alone driven a Fiat Punto.
That aside, that Barack chap became the President. I won't go on about it, too many people are. I saw these two fruity Brit lads who went all the way over there to see him being sworn in. That's a bit much, watch it on Al Jazeera like everyone else. I have his book, and his action figure. If you're ever on the 253 towards Camden in the morning, keep an eye out for a scruffy looking chap with hay like hair reading 'Dreams of My Father'. Note that he won't be reading a single word of it, he's just trying to catch girls eyes with a sort of "oh, this? Well, it's Barack's book - yes, I know" look.
Everyone in London is right. Not one decision made by the 8 million is ever wrong. You are bumped into on the street because that was their right of way. So they pushed into you.
The end is nigh!
It’s the end of the world. I’m not sure how exactly but it’s happened. Possibly in an obvious, ‘disease’ related way, a plague we hadn’t made provisions for or was too aggressive to combat. Maybe it’s something more elaborate, a ‘Triffids’ style astrological blinding of the whole human, thus rendering us at the mercy of those giant man eating plants.
Either way, you’re either the one person, or one of the very few who have been spared from the cull of humanity. A pretty heavy thing to think about really, something me and my friends talked through in a Weatherspoons. What exactly would you do in that situation, imagining you woke up one morning and found that over night humanity had ground to a halt?
Perhaps it might all be too much to handle. Thinking about the entire collective history of the human race may tip you over the edge. One of my friends reckoned that he’d top himself within the hour (although, secretly I think that’s just because he couldn’t live in a world where there’d be no one to listen to him). Every book or piece of history would be nothing; you’d be all that was left as an example of humanity. That’s a bit too much responsibility, I was sick on a bus once, it oozed down the aisle towards some kids. I felt dead low.
I reckon I’d do some right odd stuff if left to my own devices for too long. Even spending an afternoon by myself results in me developing new words for universal language, wearing odd clothes and drawing all over myself. And the masturbation, red raw my little fella is. I think in this setting I’d go royally off my rocker, I’d build a shrine to the forgotten age, old music players and Andy Warhol pictures everywhere. A bit like Camden Market I suppose. Listening to music on a crackly old gramophone, drinking tea from a china cup while the Gherkin falls into the earth. Oh, and I’d definitely be wearing a cravat.
I also decided I’d have a wander down to the MI5 building, have a read of some secrets. When it was pointed out to me that I’d most likely be unable to get into all the digitally encrypted files we decided to settle for going down to Buckingham palace and having a tug over the Queen’s pillow.
Here’s a list of what we’d get up to pending near obliteration of the human race:
Ride a little golf cart. Everywhere.
Go down to Oxford Street and set Topshop on fire.
Find Tommy Cooper's fez (What, ride a golf cart without a fez?)
Asphyxi-wank at No. 10, then remove that big gold sceptre from Parliament and put it in the cart.
Go to the arcades in high heels.