I'd just like to make a full and personal apology on behalf of Lee. This thing of ours, this torrent of hatred/self loathing with some pretty pictures has become very 'Chris heavy' of late. Lee's gone rouge, off the radar smoking cigarettes and hanging out in Beat nik clubs. I've tried to have a quite word, let him know we have a reading public who want their length of Lee (Hi Rob!). He doesn't care though, tries to say that things like working extra hours, being married and having a social life are what's getting in the way. He knows it's not good enough and will send anyone who e-mails in their postal address a picture of himself topless, looking out of a window at a sunset. It was an early marketing ploy, we've got two cases full of them so please write in.
Also, this morning was one of the worst hangovers of recent times. I had tears in my eyes and a rip in my stomach lining. The reason? Singstar. We've had this PS3 just sitting in a Tescos carrier bag after a house party we had ages ago. Turns out that Singstar is actually the perfect night in for four lads in their mid 20's. Me and Lee were by far the weaker duet. We did decide that although we might not sing the 'Singstar' way, we had the most feeling. The other two were going for 'consistency' and 'tone' but they did not look as good kneeling on the carpet with their tops off. I'm fairly certain I could feel Jimmy Morrison's proud hand on my shoulder, "finally, someone to take over my mantel". All this was going on as we banged through 9 bottles of wine, drank some whiskey and smoked cigarettes, then we started investing in songs. Downloading Bowie and Toni Braxton. I love David Bowie, like asking girls to sing the first few lines of "Jean Genie" in bed like him. Didn't sing it though, too drunk. Too drunk for David Bowie, I literally feel ashamed.
...We've already planned the next one. We're all going to buy £5 worth of songs each, really build up the back catalogue. All I need to do is reign in my showboating.
Too drunk for David Bowie?! I think that's the signal to call AA.
Top five things in the world:
5. Red, red wine
4. Obama
3. World peace or something
2. Bowie
1. SingStar
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