I got really depressed the other day at work and walked all the way to the BT tower, for a bit of fresh air. It was a nice walk, serene even.
Work seems to have become an actual ‘toil’ recently, a word that conjures up images of Russian peasant women, covered in dirt and ploughing away in barren fields grafting for a loaf. Okay, it might not be exactly like that, but it’s been a bit much recently. Long hours and bigger work loads have led to staff morale dropping through the floor. Not that it was ever massively high anyway but I distinctly remember that there was a period where people weren’t randomly bursting into tears in the kitchen and weren’t being as short with each other:
“Let me hold that door for you”
“Yeah, you will wanker”
Its all fun and games though isn’t it, what other options are there around? Not much, although I have toyed with the idea of making extra money on the side by dressing as the late husbands of wealthy widows. It won’t be hard work I imagine, dressing in old suits, going for walks along the pier and listening to the wireless with them at Bridge club. And even if they did want to rekindle a certain carnal fire…I’d still probably prefer it to coding invoices.
God, f**king Northerners, always f**king complaining.
Hope you're ok by the way Chris?
"I distinctly remember that there was a period where people weren’t randomly bursting into tears in the kitchen and weren’t being as short with each other."
Good god. This is horribly resonant.
Just be glad you don't finish the work day covered in spilled Snakebite and smelling of chip grease.
It will get darker Nadia, much darker.
Amen to fmylife.com. It keeps me sane.
At first I thought that this said that you *wanked* all the way to the BT tower. I thought that was a bit much. But then I re-read it and realised it said 'walked'. Phewee.
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