
‘I like my women like I like my coffee…’

Me & Lee were messing around the other day (As in word play, not “God, my wife must never know of our forbidden love”) and came up with a few different takes on the old “I like my women like I like my coffee…” setup. For your information we’ll be coming soon to a Working Men’s Club near you, as this line seems to intrinsically lead you down a misogynistic/racist one way street:

I like my women like I like my coffee…

Ideally not fully of semen.
White and cold to the touch…
Slow roasted.
Immediately after a game of rummy.
Thrown against a wall.

Yeah, I think there’s a reason this sort of joke has died out a bit. Either that or I’m just a massive bigot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really laughed at the last one. Bad feminist!