I normally catch the bus to work at a decent time. Living only 20 minutes away I get to see sunlight, Metro givers & and a range of impish, emotionally impotent office workers.
Work has gotten a feel of 'Siberian Salt Mine' about it recently so this morning I found myself up before 7, where a load of odd jogger types own the streets. It was pitch black, colder and crueler.
The bus ride was a completley different story. No one was reading no one made the custom sideward glance eye shuffle. This set of lunatics held every gaze from under their peaked caps. There were no suits to be seen, just hard looks & calloused, honest hands.
They could see my clammy, office trotters a mile off. Especially when my slender fingers struggled to keep hold of the railings...
Slender? When did that happen?
...ouch Robert, ouch.
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