(Below - Klan, categorically a set of twats)

That's right,
This week I came up for the chop, it was pretty tense. I felt like a miner in the 80's or something. When I relayed that to a friend she pointed out that eventually none of the miners were left, it was a matter of time. Apart from possibly those last dozen or so that operate the museums, a bit like an olden days Zoo.
But that's insulting to miners, push comes to shove, my transferable skills (A Marquis de Sade level of self loathing & a need to please authority figures) will take me into any call centre.
Unfortunately, it's one of the downsides of working in an industry based on frivolity & boom. One of the first things to get crunched is the eating out industry. That sort of shit gets replaced with buying wheat and stuff, possibly. The thinking was to trim the fat from a few areas in the head office, which is a horrible process really. Everyone is miserable, no works getting done, the girl who orders stationary is at a loss to envisage how department heads could possibly ever grasp the ordering process. There's one girl I work with who's absolutely stunning, working in our HR department. She's had a rough week sitting in on meetings of misery taking notes down. This is the girl who if she said all I had to do to see her topless would be to survive a two storey fall...I'd consider it. I just want to shake her and scream "you know you don't have to exist in this? Release yourself and go and play volleyball in the clouds with Aphrodite".
Luckily our process was dealt with relatively quickly, but its still rather grim. Initially you go through a full range of reasons it could be you. Yeah, gradually I've been interpreting the dress code in an increasingly liberal way. Like taking "Freedom of Speech" & shitting on the US flag. And yeah, sure, I've had a couple of run ins with customers (my bread & butter) that have become public knowledge, but I went on a course. For the rage.
Also, the big one is probably e-mail usage. Initially, I did think "Yes, I did send a picture of a Klan cross burning, but in context that was actually hilarious". There's a few pictures I've sent over e-mail that really need to be looked at in context. Recently that's included a picture of a beautiful male Geisha with an umbrella, a scene from Scanners where the man's head explodes and a picture of a tramp on a bench with two bottles of wine with the heading "Erena, this is you, you pissed tramp". To be sure, I was shitting it.
I also had a "Consultative Meeting" which they were deliriously keen to emphasis was not a job interview for my job. It was all going through the motions, this didn't come out of nowhere, they've been sitting on this for a while. Dotting all the I's & making sure none of the T's immediately preceded 'ribunal'. I was convinced that the names had already been ear marked anyway.
This is the first time anything like this has affected me & it feels starkly of the real world. As my boss said, "The definition of a recession is if you know someone who's been made redundant", I corrected her by saying that it's a period of 6 months where the company continues to shrinks. But still, the sentiment was valid. Ultimately I was up against my two girls, so while I may have avoided the chop right now, there's little to be happy about and I've lost a genuine friend.
In a bit, might be more frequent now my Internets back up (Sky = Liars/Date Rapists),
...True I guess. I mean he must've played ball a dash to get anywhere near the position.
I imagine he had to play with quite a lot of 'balls' to get the job -- nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
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